
Exzo Network - Uniting Blockchain Ecosystems for a Scalable and Interoperable Future


Smart Contract Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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What is Exzo Network - Uniting Blockchain Ecosystems for a Scalable and Interoperable Future ?

Whitepaper: https://docs.exzo.technology Summary/project usecase Exzo Network is a layer-1 blockchain built using Rust and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), designed to bridge the gap between the Ethereum and Solana ecosystems. It offers developers a versatile development framework, enabling them to build applications using Rust and Solidity languages. Exzo Network stands out with its high scalability (75,000+ TPS), low gas fees, and fast block finality. It aims to complement existing blockchain networks by allowing their ecosystems to merge seamlessly and facilitating cross-chain communication. Exzo Network's highly scalable framework has the potential to support the integration of zkSnarks, Optimistic roll-ups, or layer-2 side chains, further enhancing its scalability to meet the demands of various revolutionary markets. Our future plans for our coin consist of creating a blockchain that has a marketcap backed fully by liquidity through using our revenue models to then redistribute it to liquidity pools consisting of BNB, ETH, USDT, USDC, BUSD, BTC, and potentially CAKE depending upon if the PancakeSwap team would like to partner with us when we gain more traction. Our services will be from various endeavors such as DeFi, traditional finance, and especially healthcare. We have a revolutionary plan to enable he digitalization of healthcare medical records and data specifically geared towards Whole Genomic Sequences (WGS), which will enable scientific researchers, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the every day person to leverage blockchain technology for record storing, data transfers that can reach up to 50GB through the blockchain, which will be enabled by zkSnarks and layer-2 side-chains on our network. Lastly, we plan to create a co-collaborative infrastructure for blockchain technology by enabling applications to be able to integrate other networks seamlessly with very minimal work. For instance if PancakeSwap wanted to implement Solana (SOL) you'd just have to integrate the EVM side of Exzo Network and then users would be easily able to access SOL on PancakeSwap without the need for multiple bridging and swaps or without the need for a CEX or you would be able to just leverage our multi-chain bridge from BSC to XZO for users to do this in a 2 step process. Roadmap Q1 - 2022 - Exzo Network testnet development - on time - Exzo Network testnet deployment - on time - Decentralized exchange (DEX) development - on time - ExzoSwap non-custodial mobile app development - on time - NFT marketplace development - on time - Staking dApp development - on time Q2 - 2022 - ExzoSwap Alpha testing launch - on time - Decentralized exchange testnet deployment - on time - Exzo Network testnet deployment with internal testing - on time Q3 - 2022 - Exzo Network testnet deployment to public Beta - on time - Exzo Network node validator incentivized program - on time - Decentralized exchange mainnet deployment - on time - Staking dApp testnet deployment - on time - Testnet block explorer development - on time - Mainnet block explorer development - on time Q4 - 2022 - Exzo Network testnet ecosystem dApp development - on time - Exzo Network smart contract audits - on time - Launchpad partnership development - on time - Exzo Network Mainnet deployment - on time - XZO pre-listed on CoinMarketCap - on time - XZO pre-listed on CoinGecko - on time - XZO fair launch public sale on launchpad partner(s) - on time - Develop CEX listing partnerships for XZO - on time - Develop RPC provider partnerships for the Exzo Network - on time - Testnet block explorer deployment - on time - Mainnet block explorer deployment - on time - Launchpad development - on time - Cross-chain bridge development - on time - non-custodial mobile wallet deployment to mainnet - on time Q1 - 2023 - CEX listing(s) for XZO preparation - Team expansion (2-4 developers) - Corporate partnership(s) development for payment processing using XZO - Web3 wallet extension development - ahead of schedule - Goal of 50-100 node validators - Ecosystem expansion - Launchpad deployment to mainnet - on time - Cross-chain bridge deployment to mainnet - on time - non-custodial mobile wallet deployment to mainnet - on time - Exzo Network web wallet and node delegation development - Exzo Network mobile wallet and node delegation development Q2 - 2023 - Web3 wallet extension beta testing - Metaverse development discovery or partnership creation - Healthcare data management Web3 wallet discovery and planning phase - Goal of 100 node validators - Stable coin discovery phase or partnership with established project - NFT Marketplace discovery phase or partnership/grant towards a project - Loginless account development - Exzo Pay for eCommerce and merchants development - Exzo Network web wallet and node delegation public beta testing - Exzo Network mobile wallet and node delegation public beta testing Q3 - 2023 - Goal to have 5-20 projects building on Exzo Network or integrating Exzo Network - Exzo Network grant and governance voting established - Dedicated RPC node providers partnerships and ecosystem expansion - Loginless account public beta testing - Exzo Pay for eCommerce and merchants public beta testing Q4 - 2023 - Web3 wallet extension deployment - Goal to have 20-50 projects building on Exzo Network or integrating Exzo Network - CEX listings - Exzo Pay for eCommerce and merchants public launch - Loginless account public launch Q1 - 2024 - Discovery phase of zkSnark and layer-2 solutions for enhanced scaling efforts Q2 -2024 - zkSnark and layer-2 solutions development Q3 - 2024 - zkSnark closed alpha testing - zkSnark and layer-2 solutions closed bug bounty program - Smart contract audits - Penetration testing Q4 - 2024 - zkSnark open beta testing - zkSnark open bug bounty program Tokenomics and Distribution: Native Token Information: • Native token name = Exzo • Native token symbol = XZO • Wrapped token name = Wrapped Exzo • Wrapped token symbool = WXZO Token Supply and Price Information: • Genesis pre-mined supply = 35,000,000 (35 Million XZO). • Max Total supply = 50,000,000 (50 Million XZO). • Total circulating supply = 25,000,000 (25 Million XZO). • Burn Rate = TBD by governance. • Inflation rate = 8%, but decreases by 15% yearly until it reaches 0% for the max supply of 50 Million to be reached. Token allocation: • Community = 34,400,000 XZO (65.3%) • Core Contributors/Dedicated Node validators (locked) = 10,000,000 XZO (20%) • Grants = 2,500,000 XZO (5%) if not from funding raised. • CEX Market Making = 2,500,000 XZO (5%) • Airdrops/referral programs for ecosystem growth & marketing = 600,000 XZO (1.2%) Distribution schedule • Core Contributors = 10,000,000 XZO. Note: These are used for operating node validators with a 0% fee for delegators initially and will be locked for up to 10 years. We will utilize the APY on the tokens for burns, extending grants programs, partnerships, development costs, ecosystem growth and node operating costs. Security Audits: ✅ Certik Audit ✅ SolidityScan Audit Listings: ✅ BitMart ✅ Deepwaters ✅ CoinMarketCap Bug Bounty Partners: ✅ HackenProof ✅ ImmuneFi Other info: ✅ DOXXED DEVS

Exzo Network - Uniting Blockchain Ecosystems for a Scalable and Interoperable Future ($coin) Price Today :
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Launch Date Aug 12, 2233
(208 years from now)
Date Added Mar 23, 2023
(1 year ago)
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